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Listed below are a number of our outreach ministries with descriptions. If you would like to know more or even join us in serving us, please contact us. We are glad to be a part of our community and simply wan to share God's love with others.

Branch Out Ministry

Twice a year we take a Saturday to serve those in our community that are not a part of a church. We meet the physical needs of others through manual labor (yard work, property clean up, minor home repair, etc.). We also provide a meal after a hard days work for all workers and those that we served.

Adopt-a-Team Ministry

We send a team of people once every two months to serve a meal at our local homeless recovery ministry, Hope Mission. We also regularly donate food and supplies to Hope. You can sign up to serve food in the lobby at the church.

Hope Mission - South Bend

Each year we choose one or two little league teams to adopt. We sponsor the team financially, cheer at games, provide snacks weekly for the players, and even host a free cookout for players families.

Missionaries Nate & Cori Baumann - Yucatan, Mexico

We support the Baumann family, a missionary family that serves in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. We support them through prayer and financial support. We also hope to take a mission team down to assist them in the summer of 2018.

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